Foster Angels
The mission of Foster Angels is to improve the lives of children in foster care by ensuring their basic needs are met, and to provide life-enhancing opportunities whenever possible. Since 2010 we have helped over 18,000 children and youth.
In 2017 alone we have served nearly 4,000 children in care by not only meeting their basic needs in the form of clothing, beds/bedding, food and personal hygiene but also providing those life-enhancing opportunities to provide a sense of normalcy that sets children up for success.
Our philosophy is that foster children must be exposed to positive influences, activities and experiences that help them to flourish and reach their full potential. We help provide enriching experiences that will shape a child’s life and most of all, their future.
Children in foster care deserve to feel like normal kids, and that moment in need isn’t next week or next month, it’s today. Right now.
Our simple, proven program allow us to operate efficiently and keep kids from waiting for crucial assistance. Many of these children have already experienced years of waiting…waiting for a family, for safety, and for joy. Foster Angels believes it’s that one moment of caring, given at just the right time, that often translates into a lifetime of difference.