
CarePortal was launched in 2015 by The Global Orphan Project, and since then, the platform has expanded across the nation engaging child welfare agencies, schools, pregnancy centers, churches, businesses, volunteer organizations, and more to facilitate local, proactive, and effective care for kids. It is through this collective impact that we are making real progress to reverse our nation’s foster care crisis and radically change the system, and our society, for the better.

CarePortal is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis. Since launching in 2015, CarePortal has done for child welfare what other tech platforms have successfully done to disrupt entire industries. Just as ridesharing and home-sharing services have unlocked value and connection in places where it didn’t exist before, CarePortal enables care-sharing: a method of collaboration that empowers people to share the responsibility of caring for people in need. Right now, in real-time.