Spirit Reins

Spirit Reins is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to partner with horses to heal those impacted by adverse childhood experiences through experiential trauma-informed therapy services. Our goal is for every child and family to leave our program believing they are worthy of love and belonging and capable of reaching their full potential. Spirit Reins offers a variety of professional counseling services and specializes in serving children who have experienced abuse, neglect or other traumatic events. Combining the quiet comfort of the Texas Hill Country with an experienced therapy team, Spirit Reins’ services result in powerful inner transformations with observable and measurable changes in behavior, life skills, self-regulation and relationships.

Spirit Reins specializes in Trauma-Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (TF-EAP), which utilizes the physiology and psychology of horses to help individuals process and heal from trauma. Our therapy services are informed by research on the neuroscience of brain development, how trauma affects the brain, and the ability to form healthy relationships.